To interact with Keeper Wallet in your iOS or Android app, complete the following steps:
For more information on using Flutter implementation of WalletConnect, see their docs.
walletconnect_flutter_v2: ^1.2.3
Describe your app and define its appearance in Keeper Wallet when a user is prompted to connect or sign a transaction/order/message.
static const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
_wcClient = await Web3App.createInstance(
relayUrl: 'wss://',
projectId: projectId,
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
description: 'YOUR_APP_DESC',
icons: ["YOUR_IMAGE_URLS"],
Send a request to WalletConnect to get a pairing URI for Keeper Wallet.
// Set the chain ID: 'W' for Mainnet or 'T' for Testnet
static const testChainId = 'waves:T';
static const mainChainId = 'waves:W';
final resp = await _wcClient?.connect(requiredNamespaces: {
namespace: const RequiredNamespace(
chains: [testChainId],
methods: [
events: [],
final wcUrl = resp?.uri.toString();
Here’s how it works:
Deep Links are used to interact with Keeper Wallet. You can use url_launcher plugin to call Keeper. For the callback, the Deep Link must be configured in your app.
static const callback = 'YOUR_LINK_OR_SCHEME';
final parameters = <String>[];
final query = parameters.join('&');
final url = Uri.parse('$query');
launchUrl(url, mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication);
The result of connecting comes to the listener:
_wcClient?.onSessionConnect.subscribe((SessionConnect? connect) {
print('onSessionConnect: $connect');
_topic = connect?.session.topic;
Here is how it works:
static const testChainId = 'waves:T';
static const mainChainId = 'waves:W';
static const Map<String, Object> invoke = { YOUR_TX_PARAMS };
topic: _topic,
chainId: testChainId,
request: SessionRequestParams(
method: 'waves_signTransaction',
params: [invoke],
.then((value) => print('request result: $value'))
.onError((error, _) => print('request error: $error'));
static const testChainId = 'waves:T';
static const mainChainId = 'waves:W';
static const Map<String, Object> order = { YOUR_ORDER_PARAMS };
topic: _topic,
chainId: testChainId,
request: SessionRequestParams(
method: 'waves_signOrder',
params: [order],
.then((value) => print('request result: $value'))
.onError((error, _) => print('request error: $error'));
static const testChainId = 'waves:T';
static const mainChainId = 'waves:W';
static const message = 'YOUR_MESSAGE';
topic: _topic,
chainId: testChainId,
request: SessionRequestParams(
method: 'waves_signMessage',
params: [message],
.then((value) => print('request result: $value'))
.onError((error, _) => print('request error: $error'));
Specify topic
and callback
in the request.
static const callback = 'YOUR_LINK_OR_SCHEME';
final parameters = <String>[];
final query = parameters.join('&');
final url = Uri.parse('$query');
launchUrl(url, mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication);